time to up the workout time+intensity
I dont want to do it in 2 months...Ill be starving! haha thanks everyone =)
eat more eat a big bowl of carrots or 35 cal yogurt etc I was hungry last night...made a huge plate of food = 200 cals was full was pickle, 35 cal yogurt ( source), carrots+small piece of toast just for example just stay away from foods that are high in calorie or eat small portions of them so you can eat more food in total
to be healthy and get in shape
5lbs is REALLY good for 1 month!
I wouldn't hire someone who was out of shape no offense
I wouldn't hire someone who was out of shape no offense
please take this in a good way it looks like you lost 20 lbs
please take this in a good way it looks like you lost 20 lbs