LilyJoyData Member


  • Hi Vee, are you still posting in my Fitness Pal? I had my surgery in October of 2010. I have been using MyFitnessPal to jump start a re-start so to speak. Would like to connect with other RNXY members. Let me know if you are interested in connecting . . . hope your journey has been a good one. Mine was.
  • Thanks all. I just got my results back from a study to determine my resting metabolic rate/calorie intake required to Maintain my current 154 lbs. Yikes, I've been eating 1400-1800 calories a day, consistently, since about 8 weeks out from my surgery 5.5 years ago. My newe count needed to maintain - 1200-1225. Seems…
  • Hello 62 year old Female, Height 5'4.5" Gastric Bypass RXY - October 2010 HW: 225 Goal: 135 LW: 126 (Dr. advised too low) Stable Weight for 3 years: 134-136 Current Weight: 154 - weight gain of 9-10 lbs last two winters. I am working toward losing the 20 lbs I've put back on, and finding out what my new calorie intake…
  • Hi, I began my gastric by-pass journey just over 5 years ago, had my Surgery the first week of October 2009. I too am struggling now. Life has changed dramatically for me and learning how to get my eating and exercise regime to fit my new lifestyle has been a challenge. I would love to have a MyFitnessPal who knows 'the…