

  • I've known for years that I am very allergic to wheat (i get horrible migraines.) Out of curiosity i got a skin pricking test just to see what else I might be allergic to. The testing only confirmed that I am allergic to cats too (I knew that) but also showed that I was super allergic to grass. And grass being....related…
  • You can also get tested by and just pay out of pocket for a stool test. The gold standard for testing for celiac is a biopsy your doctor has to order. But you can find out if you have celiac or other gluten sensitive genes through enterolabs. If you find you have one or two celiac genes, then you know you…
  • Not necessarily. I am horribly allergic to wheat but I ate it my whole life until I realized I was actually allergic. I just never attributed my symptoms (frequent horrible migraines) to it. Thankfully I figured it out and now hardly ever have migraines. When you are allergic to something but eat it almost constantly — as…
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