

  • Awesome start to my week. Was working 8-6pm today so hit the gym for some early morning cardio before work then did my legs and shoulder session in my lunch break :) felt good. Went up in my step ups and db for shoulders!!!! Going to be a good week :) Nothing too extreme planned for this week, trying to hit closer to 1400…
  • Happy Friday and valentines day! Had a kick *kitten* legs and shoulder session after work and feel I may not be able to walk for another 3 days again! Feeling really good at the gym and already feel a difference in my body (the added fibre is helping the $&@ too) heheh So it's the weekend again and I need to harness the…
  • Ok, so I have been pretty slack for the first few weeks of this challenge and its time to focus. My goals this week are: 1: attempt to hit between 1200-1400cal/day 2: do weights 4x this week 3: do cardio 2-3x week for shorter more intense sessions 4: eat well and get my nutrients but not stress over it or restrict food…
  • Had a really good week. Had some really good gym sessions and kept my diet on track ( although didn't eat enough) Had a bit of an off diet day yesterday, but will still under for my calories. I always find it harder to diet when it's balls hot outside ( and I haven't do e the food shopping t ) I'm much better in winter on…
  • Ok, so this week has been terrible. I am deathly sick with a silly cold, but it has taken away all of my energy and taste buds. I have been crashing as soon as I get home and so unwell in the mornings after very little sleep. I have still been going to the gym in the morning for the main reason being we only have one car…
  • Name: Merica Location: Melbourne Sex: Female Age: 32 Height: 5"3 (161cm) Starting Weight: 68kgs (I think, haven't weighed myself lately so may be closer to 72)? Starting Date: Now Goal Weight: 52kgs Starting Measurements: Bicep: 31cm Chest: 88cm Waist: 76cm Hips: 90cm Thigh: 60cm Starting Body Fat % (if known): Goal Body…
  • I live in oz so we dobt get it here but hubby is American so whenever we go back I buy about 5million packets and live off this stuff when on my healthy kick. It helps me drink sooo much more water. Bummed I'm out of the good flavours :(
  • Same thing here. I got married at the end of Jan then went to Thailand for a month and indulged on breakfast buffets everyday, snack, lunches and dinners, cocktails and beer for a entire month. I came back 10kgs heavier and due to fertility drugs and a lack of willpower I have added and extra 10 or so to that. Decided to…
  • I will, im 32 and also 5'3 and about the same weight too :) motivation is needed here too :)
  • I used to go to that gym, then I moved to whoop whoop! bummer, would be nice for a training partner :)
  • I had a wedding this past weekend too, and had the same issue, no one of my nice clothes fit, I mean none. I refuse to buy a new wardrobe, so im going to make myself fit into it again. hopefully I don't have too many dressy occasions in the close future hehe :) congrats on making the steps though. My hubby is close to your…
  • hello lovelies :) I also have been a total yo-yo-yo-yoer and need to loose close to 50lb (20-25kgs). I did it back in 2009 where I went from 68kgs to 46kgs in around 3.5 months, mind you I did it totally the wrong and unhealthy way and hence, the weight is all back on.. this time I want a lifestyle I can maintain, :)
  • bumpity Im in Emerald :)
  • I used to make a frozen dessert of : low fat ricotta and cottage cheese mixed with the sugar free hot choc mix and a scoop of protein powder. freeze over night. it turns into a rock, which means it takes you longer to eat and its soo filling. mind you its not as tasty as icecream :) I need of restocking the changes low cal…
  • Hello. I'm in the far far eastern suburbs of Melbourne, after relocating from down town CBD to the sticks. After a year of eating too much and wimping out at the gym, I need to get back on track :) Need all the motivation I can get!! :)
  • Im thinking of starting this jan 1 also :) although may be jan 2 as the hubby will be taking over the TV on new years for his video games....