

  • Very best of luck to you. I was very much in a similar boat as you, found out about MFP, registered and then left it for 2 years. I've been logging on for the past few weeks now and I cannot tell you the difference it has made to my weight loss. It's so much easier when you have people to turn to that are all here for…
  • What a great idea. I do have a slow cooker sat at the back of my cupboard. It's an especially good time to use it now that we are headed for the colder weather. My tummy is rumbling at the thought of a nice hearty veg stew!! Thanks for the post and good luck in your journey. Michelle :O)
  • I have to confess I have never considered therapy, but seeing the good it has done for someone close to me for a different matter, it could make sense to look into this. Thanks for the reply and I wish you every success in your journey. Michelle :)
  • I tend only to drink water now (used to drink a lot of fizzy drinks though), as I'm not the biggest lover of hot drinks. I do make sure I have a hot water with lemon each morning though as I understand this kick starts your metabolism. I just went out yesterday and purchased some bits and bobs for yoga - hoping this will…
  • Thank you so much peeps! Really great ideas that I'm surprised I haven't thought of myself; they all seem such common sense. Traceyahughes1 - I'm so sorry to hear of your stroke and how awful for it to have been bought on by the stresses of the modern work place. I hope you are well on the way to recovery and I wish you…