ljmiller11 Member


  • I am so glad I am not the only one! Isn't it funny how we get so involved with our own progress we forget everyone is the same! I dropped 11lbs in a month which is brilliant considering I only had 22lbs to lose. Now I have stalled with no loss for 2 weeks but I feel better and my hips and waist went down by 1cm in that…
  • All you can do is your best. I have just finished the full 30 days (across 40 days - I did it 5 times a week) and I feel so much better! The first day I did it I felt faint and had to lay down, it hurt to walk the next day and I thought it had beaten me. Then, I tried again and it still hurt but I did a couple more…
  • Don't worry, these things will happen, it's called living your life :) Why make yourself feel guilty about having fun. How miserable to think you will never have another day of indulgence, it's just not feasible. I had a very calorific valentines too but I thought of it as a reward for all my hard work thus far and an…
  • Haha, are people seriously replying to this thread seriously!!?? Thanks for the giggle :D
  • I'm on 1,250 cals a day. I tend to plan to a certain extent as my willpower tends to weaken as the days goes on! I find a good breakfast, light lunch and a fairly substantial evening meal with one or two snacks (usually fruit) work best for me. I also find low calorie hot chocolate works really well in the evening for when…
  • I eat the minute a wake up. Mainly because I'm hungry but also because it kick starts your metabolism and starts burning calories earlier. I also have porridge most days, yummy!
  • In my understanding you are meant to do it every day for 30 days (Level 1 x 10, Level 2 x 10 and Level 3 x 10). However, I have been doing it 5 times a week and then something different on the other two, maybe a walk for example.
  • Hi Guys, As a little motivation I thought I'd share my story. I've been doing 30DS for 21 days now and I have lost 10lbs and several inches. Not to mention how much better I feel (and hopefully look!) in my clothes. Somedays you will get that can't be bothered feeling but push through and enjoy the feeling you get after…
  • I agree with the above. An all out cheat day doesn't make sense to me. Why work so hard all week and then binge. I prefer to allow myself a little treat once a week like a small desert or some extra carbs.I still feel like I've had a treat but don't suffer the guilt. I also book one meal a month with my partner where we go…
  • I agree with your logic and do the same thing. You can't deny yourself forever right! I find fruit like strawberries and grapes give me that sweet hit which works but if it must be chocolate I have a low calorie hot chocolate drink made with water. Options do one which has just 39 cals per mug. It tastes yummy and lastes…
  • I know how you feel! The treat table in my office is right behind me! It has food on it 100% of the time whether it be biscuits, chocolate, sweets etc... all of which I love and could eat all day long! I don't let it annoy me as I know this is always going to be the case, I just wish I was sat near the fruit table rather…
  • I've been eating at 1,200 for 3 weeks and already lost 8lbs. Previously I lost over 1 stone on 1,200 a day. I am 5' 5'' with only 10lbs to go till my goal and so I feel 1,200 is a safe number for me. I do eat back 50-80% of my exercise calories and enjoy the occasional sweet treat. Everyone is different so just listen to…
  • I'm doing the 30 day shred. Same thing? It's great!
  • I'm from Peterborough. Would love some new UK friends! I'm 25 with a minimum of 10lbs to lose. Add me :)
  • This happened to me. I lost 5lb last week (first week on diet). Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it, just dreading next weeks weigh in if it's just fluke! Fingers crossed for another loss :)
  • This is me! I get within 5lbs of my goal, get frustrated as it won't go and then end up putting it all back on! This year I am not giving up, I will lose the 20lbs I want no matter how long it takes. It's my sisters birthday in May so my goal is to get at least half way before then. Fingers crossed! Good luck everyone :)
  • I'm glad I am not the only one! I've got a couple of DVD's that worked well last time (Taebo, 30 day shred) and so hopefully I'll get it back pretty quick. Did a 5 miles walk on Saturday which felt good. I just wish I wasn't sat in an office full of left over Christmas chocolates :(
  • ***THIS CHALLENGE IS CLOSED*** add this tag so the thread will not get unmanageable Name/ real name: Ljmiller11/Laura miller Goal weight on March 31st : 136 3/01: 136 3/05: 136 3/12: 3/19: 3/26: 3/31:
  • ljmiller11/Laura Goal Weight on March 31st: 134lbs 3/01: 136lbs 3/05: 3/12: 3/19: 3/26: 3/31: I've started less than I thought I would so I've lowered my goal weight to 134lbs. Only two pounds to lose but these last few are stubborn! Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • I'd love to join! ljmiller11/Laura Goal Weight on March 31st 135 3/01: 3/05: 3/12: 3/19: 3/26: 3/31:
  • :heart: All your replys are soooo helpful! As we all know, weight loss can feel very lonely sometimes but knowing you all care enough to comment has really cheered me up, thank you. I have regained my positive attitude and thanks to you all, I know this week is going to be a better week!
  • Thanks everyone, your comments have cheered me up dramatically. I know it's only a little blip in a very long road but because I'm so close to my goal, I'm very concious of the fact every little bit counts! Hey ho, I'm off to the gym tonight so fingers crossed that will lift my mood. Thanks again :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for the advice. I know I should keep everyday level but when you're other half wants to eat out or bake at the weekends, it's tough! Maybe on those days I should make myself do a big work out first so that I can eat my calories back on the same day & not go over my daily limit. I'm changing jobs soon which is…
  • I think you're right. I feel much healthier as I am but I can't help but want my size 10 jeans to feel a little less tight! No matter how much exercise I do I just cannot tone my tummy. I know it takes a lot of hard work and dedication but I'm worried I'm doing the wrong things in the gym & wasting valuable work out time.…
  • God, it's so hard isn't it!?! The first stone felt easy but now I'm stuck and starting to get a bit unmotivated by it. I guess if it was easy everyone would do it. I just want to see 9 and 1/2 stone sooo bad now so I can work on maintaining and toning ready for summer holidays :smile:
  • Thanks, I try not to add salt to anything but I will try harder! I think drinking more water would help but I find it so hard to drink more than 5 or 6 glasses but hey, if it moves the last few pounds I'll do it!