

  • I upped my shake from 8oz milk to 10oz milk, and 30 almonds to 40 for breakfast. Also added more butter to my waffles (and less syrup because it fills me up too much). So today my breakfast was 1300cal. I have also started to eat string cheese, cheese sticks, or peanut butter between meals whenever I feel hungry. Will…
  • Haha.. I just downed 4 tbsp of PB, and a cup of peanuts... quick 800 cals right there along with a good amt of protein.
  • Overwhelmed by the number of responses... thanks guys!!!!!!! So pumped to try the foods suggested! I'm going to eat a scoop of PB between meals for extra calories. I am in fact 151 lb, trying to get to 160 by mid-March. I lift weights every other day and play basketball at least once a week. To answer a previous question,…
  • Thanks everyone for the advice (except for the troll who offered 0 advice). I forgot about chick peas and peanut butter, I'll add them to my diet. Being vegetarian does have its challenges but I learned its definitely possible to pack on weight without any meats. Thanks again to those who helped, will heed advice and take…
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