

  • Thank you all for your replies. I feel comfort knowing that I'm not alone in my struggles. I will google the body disorder thing and check it out and see if I think it applies to me. Also, I will take all your suggestions to heart and give them a try! Something is bound to work, right? Again, I truly appreciate all of your…
  • Thank you for replying! Yes, some things do slip. I'm a healthy eater and with my schedule I am active which is why I can slip on heavy exercise. My 4.0 is paying for college which is why it can't slip. Other things can. I didn't ever say I wanted a crazy, lengthy, immediate results routine. Which is why I regret posting…
  • No I have not heard of that. I've never exercised before because I've never been overweight before. Well, I've done sit-ups and brisk walking, etc. when I had my first two kids but the weight fell right off and I didn't need to do it longer than a month or two. This time it's way harder. My youngest is 3 lol. Also, I have…
  • [/quote] You didn't have to include anything with your post because I certainly didn't ask you to prove how busy you are. I was simply trying to add a dose of reality to your expectations and if you find the truth to be discouraging, so be it. I guess I could just give you some attaboys and say "nice effort!" while patting…
  • Thanks for the reply! I've never lifted weights and since so many people have recommended I'm thinking that it's definitely the way to go. I have no clue as to what weight I can lift but it's great info to do heavier at a lower rep. I'm learning a lot today and I sincerely appreciate the advice!
  • Thanks for the link! This is definitely right up my alley. Especially the do-it-at-home routine!
  • Thanks for your response! I do include my family as much as I can. Almost every weekend we go on a 2ish hour hike. It's not a forge your way through weeds with your machete type hike, more of a walking along a trail (lots of the time it's a steep trail, too!)type of deal, but it's something we all love to do and we do it…
  • Thank you for the advice! I enjoyed your story. I know it can be done and I will work up to it. I'm not sure that particular routine would work for mine (the youngest is a HANDFUL) but it does give me a few ideas. I appreciate it!
  • While I agree with what you said about commitment I do have to say that time isn't something I have. I have 3 kids: 9, 8, and 3 (one of which requires weekly doctor apts and pharmacy visits), I have 5 classes that total about 20-25 hours per week between class and homework (also a 4.0 GPA to maintain and a 45 min drive to…
  • You answered my question! Thanks! I responded before I saw all of the posts. I really appreciate the info!
  • Thank you so much! I'm going to google New rules of lifting for women now! Also, thanks for letting me know I should be doing both cardio and strenth training. Can I do cardio, skip a day, lifting, skip a day, etc. Or should it be more than every other day to start out?