jantenor Member


  • Ok then - no more birdwatching for me!!! I definately felt like I walked 4.4 miles! Now I want to try that route again with my heart rate monitor on and see how many calories above normal it was. I've always had the philosophy that walking 3 miles is walking 3 miles. If you do it in an hour it's the same amount of "work"…
  • This is the exact topic I was wondering about. I had logged a 4.4 mile hike I had done as 440 calories burned, but in reality, we were out bird watching/hiking over a 3.5 hour period in which we walked 4.4 miles.. My "normal" caloric burn if was at home or work would be 70 to 90 calories per hour = 280 calories, so was the…
  • Hi there - I'm not a nutritionist, by any means, but I know that in my experience I have "Easy come - easy go!" Which means if I have a slurge or a binge, and I gain 5 pounds seeminly overnight, those same pounds will come off almost as rapidly once I start eating correctly. I think the body retains fluid more than fat…