Dani_elle81 Member


  • Agreed, that would stink if people were doing that here. I certainly am shelling out plenty of money for this. Although, my insurance is picking up the fees for the doctor visits/tests. I think I would be more upset by the fact that people come here for support, as do I. If people are "fake" here it will not benefit…
  • I started the day after Christmas and I am happy to report that today is Day 5 and I am down 6lbs. I feel great too, no more cravings at all! Happy New Year to all! So glad to have found this group chat! :smile:
  • Today was Day One. I am on the Optifast 800. I was fine through out the day. But now I feel myself getting a little lethargic. Originally my Doctor wanted me to consider the surgery, but I felt that this might be better for me. The Doctor spoke to me at great length about the different surgeries, benefits and risks. But I…
  • Hi, I just started Optifast Lite today! I am so excited to have a support system through this site. I have to meet with my nutritionist again, because they really didn't let me know what my results would be with Optifast. They were really trying to push surgery on me, but I wanted to try a less invasive approach. So they…