Murphy0126 Member


  • Thanks everyone! Thanks for the tip! I'm going to have to look into that. I'm all for increasing my grip strength, as I refuse to use straps.
  • Again, thanks for all the support everyone! Thanks! I've always been strong, but with the strict nature of performing a deadlift my muscles just weren't having it (neither was my spine). I moved up quite quickly once I got my form corrected and worked on form non-stop. My grip was also atrocious, so I began lifting 100 lb…
  • Understandable. They're so small, that they're hidden by the 45's due to the angle. Thanks again!
  • Thanks for all the awesome words of support everyone! I did 5 plates each side, which equals 495 lbs (including bar), plus one 10 pound per side, which equals 515, then a 2.5 pound per side to equal 520.
  • Thanks guys! :) Thanks! It is definitely smile worthy IMO. 4 months ago I started off struggling to be able to lift 135.
  • I've lost 115 lbs, here is my thread, with pictures!
    in 100+ lbs Comment by Murphy0126 July 2014
  • I really wish people would stop blaming genetics and past abuse for their size. A lot of people in my family suffer from obesity, and I was also abused to an extreme extent as a child, but my obesity is MY FAULT. No one elses. I was lazy, the rest of my family is lazy. OP, want to know how you can get over 300 lbs? Eat…
  • I currently weigh 315 pounds, and can run non-stop for about 2.5 hours. Or around 20km. I'm training for my first marathon in the Fall. I will most likely be in 290's by that time, and that is just over 42 km. Don't let a number on a scale dictate what activities you can partake in.
  • I haven't reached my goal yet, but I'll chime in. In the beginning I did zero exercise. I wanted my nutrition to become second nature to me. I didn't want to struggle with eating healthier and counting calories PLUS an exercise routine. I set my limit at 1950 calories, and began my journey. I weighed EVERYTHING, gave up…
  • Weight loss = Calorie Deficit If you eat veggies, fruit, meat, fish, McDonalds, pizza, burgers, ice cream...... doesn't matter. As long as you take in less than your body expends, you will lose weight (barring any medical condition). Weight loss isn't 80% diet 20% exercise; it's 100% diet. Exercise only serves to create a…
  • There are days where I eat close to 400 grams of carbs. Average is about 150, and about 250 - 300 grams of protein. I do believe my ticker says it all when it comes to the whole, "Carbs are the Devil" debate. I am very pro-choice when it comes to people deciding to drastically and ridiculously lower carbs from their diet…
  • ........double post
  • I weigh 321 pounds and can do free standing hand stands and hold them for about 20 seconds. The only thing that ever stops someone from accomplishing something is their own self doubt.
  • Weight loss will slow dramatically when you get closer to your goal, so give it time. What are your stats? From your picture you look rather petite, so you should be aiming for maybe 0.5 lbs loss per week now. If you're getting that number, or even close to that number then everything is going great.