

  • I taught myself to crochet, just to have my hands busy while watching tv. It works well because if I am concentrating on the work in progress, I am not thinking of how good something from the fridge would taste.
  • Good luck with the fit bit! I really like mine and like it shows the floors of stairs climbed too.
  • Right now, veggies and hummus is working. Also, Costco has a Crunchmaster multi-grain cracker that works with a greek yogurt dip (hidden valley ranch powder added). The crackers are gluten free, I am trying to limit gluten, not banning it completely.
  • Hi! I am Sandi (thinktink272). I live in Newport News, Va and joined this to have some support other than family. I love Disney, especially Tinker Bell. I am 45 and am starting the journey to lose about 25 lbs. My first goal is to go from an obese BMI to overweight.
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