fitwiffy13 Member


  • I normally keep a water bottle on my desk at work (20 oz)...I make a point to drink two of them before lunch and two after which puts me at 80oz so i'm over my goal. So if you just break it up in half days it might be easier ?? That's just what works for me but good luck!!!
  • I do spinning classes on my lunch break Mon through Friday....Sat-off...Sun either Zumba or a run on the treadmill :)
  • I'm the same way! I don't mind exercising, it's the nutrition part that gets to me! Lol I have such a sweet tooth and I love carbs. But losing 2 inches on your hips is still a great accomplishment. Just keep up the good work and maybe try using lean cuisines or similarly packaged meals so you know how many calories you're…
    in Hi! Comment by fitwiffy13 March 2011