

  • Hey there - I feel ya on the protein! I have been doing P90X since January and I'm always trying to get more protein in! As far as supplements - I like 4EverFit Protein Isolate in Strawberry Kiwi or Mango. I can' t believe how good it is with just water! Also, a carton of greek yogurt, fruit and a little milk makes a great…
  • Sorry I didn't respond! Let me know if after looking at it you have any questions. My husband and I have been drinking it for about 3 months now and love the results!
  • I haven't tried Living Fuel, but I do drink Shakeology which I think is somewhat similar. I LOVE it. More energy, better nutrition, better digestion. Tastes good as well.
  • I used to use the EAS Whey Protein, but someone introduced me to Shakeology and I LOVE it! It's more expensive than regular protein powder, but has tons more nutrients in it. I drink it for breakfast and it definitely gets me through the day. It has also really help with digestion. As far as protein bars, my favorite is…
  • Oh, and I forgot to say...I'm 34! :) It's tough, because I would like another child, but I feel like the clock is ticking..... :grumble:
  • Kistinbee...My name is Kristin. I am 26 and had my first daughter, Kadence, September 5th, 2009 via C-section. I work full time, and outside of work try to balance spending time with Kadence, keep up the house, and get in some exercise! I have a husband, Michael, who works construction and so is laid off in the…
  • Jamie - I'm laughing WITH you at your fire story. I think we lose a ton of brain cells when we have a baby. I have done some tremendously stupid things after having a baby....but the following tops the list. When I was on maternity leave, I got to a point where I wanted to get out of the house....I would go to Target,…
  • Welcome Brenda, caterpillardreams, and everyone else! Brenda, I look forward to hearing how you like Insanity. I've looked into it a little bit, and hear people talking about it on the Beach Body Message boards. Good luck! It looks hard core!
  • CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! A quick lucky girl!!!! :happy:
  • Hi All, Hope you are having a good weekend! Did my measurements and pics today for my 30 day progress. I think somebody asked, and yes I am doing P90X. Below are my stats. I'll try and post some pics to my profile later, because the pics don't lie!!! I can definitely see the results in my waist and the dreaded "back fat!"…
  • Hi all! Grrrr....I just tried to enter my lunch, but I have no idea if I was even close on what I entered! I was really busy at work, so I ran downstairs to our cafeteria to get something. I got mixed veggies and something they called "chicken alfredo." It was good white meat chicken, but I'm sure the sauce was crazy…
  • Good morning all! Another cold and yucky morning in ATL....this is the worst winter I've ever experienced here and I am so OVER IT! Yeah, yeah, I know you gals up north have no pitty for me...but my Florida blood doesn't like the cold one bit!!! Maranda - Welcome! I used to be a thong girl - didn't wear anything but…
  • Jess - Props to you for losing so much weight in a week! Do share your secrets!!! I am about to start the recovery week (4) for p90X and I understand what you mean about getting bored. I'm glad that the workouts change every 3 weeks, because if I had to do the same thing over again this week I would be really tired of it.…
  • Morning all! Cris - Glad you put the incontinence thing out there. I think mine has gotten better over time, but still a problem. A few months after I had my son, when I would play tennis and land hard on my feet I would tinkle a little. Also sometimes when I cough....and most of all, when I do jumping jacks. I pretty much…
  • Hi all, Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day! My husband and I went out to dinner last night, and I wasn't super healthy, but I didn't eat too bad. We went to our favorite Thai restaurant, and it's funny, I was very full halfway through my dinner. Usually I would devour everything and lick my plate, but I didn't eat…
  • Hi Gals - Looking for some ideas! Even if we don't get snow tonight, it is bound to be cold and icky and a great night to stay in and watch a movie. After eating healthy all week, I don't want to blow my diet, but would love some comfort food...or something that seems like a cheat meal, but it's not. Maybe a healthy…
  • Well, today is my rest day, and I managed to finish almost a bottle of wine....but I still remained under my calorie goal! yay!!! :) In all honesty, I have really cut down on my drinking though. I usually only have a few glasses of wine...once or twice a week. I have realized that my drinking was really making me gain…
  • Had to share my first fall still makes me laugh! I'm sure there will be many more falls to come, so I better get used to it. When Carter was about 4 months old, he did a backflip off the ottoman. We have a big fluffy ottoman, and we used to lay him on it and since he couldn't roll over or anything, he would…
  • Hi gals, I had the LONGEST day at work today and go home super late. Luckily, my husband took care of dinner! As I mentioned before, I'm doing P90X, so I was supposed to do my scheduled workout tonight. I can't tell you how much I did NOT want to do it. It's cold, rainy, and honestly, I just wanted to sit down and polish…
  • Jessica, I travel to Harrisburg often for work. I love it there - everyone is so nice, and the downtown is really cute and has some good restaurants. I went over to Hershey one afternoon too, and that was pretty cool! It's funny that you can actually smell the chocolate a few miles away! I've make the drive from Philly to…
  • Hi All! Hope you are having a good start to the weekend. It's cold and rainy here in Atlanta. I'm so over winter, and ready for the warm weather! Although I need to get in good shape so I can look great at the pool! :happy: Today I went 20 calories over my limit on MFP and I was soooo tempted to delete something....isn't…
  • Hi all, I just stumbled across this post - I started using MFP last month and I am totally obsessed with it! I have a wonderful 11 month old named Carter and I definitely packed on the pounds during pregnancy. I was never sick and I wanted to eat all the time. I gained about 55 pounds, and if I wouldn't have had Carter 3…
  • If you like Cilantro, I have a super yummy recipe - and I love it so much I use it as a sauce on meats too! 1 cup packed fresh cilantro 1/2 cup olive oil 1/4 cup orange juice 1/4 cup lime juice 1 T chopped garlic salt and pepper to taste Mix in the food processer until smooth