

  • Your numbers Obesity Index 21bmi BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National Below average You have a lower BMI than 88% of females aged 15-29 in your country Global Below average You have a lower BMI than 61% of females aged 15-29 in the world Did you know? If everyone in the world had the same…
  • IMO it depends on how much body fat your holding at the time. Generally people with a high % body fat can track weight loss simply by via scales or how they look/feel in their clothing. At a high % of body fat your body prefers to buns fat over muscle. Its not until you get down into a lower % of body fat that your body…
  • I prefer to use either Musclepharm Combat Powder or Fitmiss Delight (the women's range made by Musclepharm) They are both packed full of other extra vitamins and goodies, are reasonably filling and very tasty with a good range of flavours so you never get bored. Also the Fitmiss Delight can be used for baking as well, you…