

  • Found this with a search... For some reason the data logged on the ipod using this app is not syncing with the website? To be clear I am logging in both with the same account. Am I missing something to get this to sync?
  • So true...bed early has been a weird reaction to my cutting out beer drinking. It is after all the reason why I shot up to 454 lbs, not hard when you average 4-6 a night. Dec 31 2013 was my last any drink...31 pounds later its a no brainer. I am going on Disney cruise with my family in March, plan on a couple…
  • I would like to add one thing as to the weight limits on machines. I wanted a machine in the house as a Gym for me just would not work. My work day is too demanding to take time away and I have to be home on time for my Kids bus. With the closest gym 20 mins away I just don't see my self taking out close to 2 hours just to…