

  • Best thing i have ever done my whole life :D am in my 4th week now and i lost 40 pounds (20 kilograms) i feel like a million bucks. Yesterday i went to the gym for the first time since my operation and had a full regular workout and it felt GOOOOOOOOOOOD :D i can pretty much eat anything now as long as small portions chew…
  • Hello, Today your on your 7th day the pains should be gone my now but yet again it depends on each peraon and their abillity to heal. But by now atleast it should be decreasing. Stick to your medication and pain killers. Walking around for 2 or 3 half an hour sessions helps in making burp and pass gas which will severly…
  • Hello Ellie, yes I am a few days a head of you and allow me to call them "the magical days" its all going to be good from now on. as of tomorrow the pains start to go away, you become more mobile and you start seeing weight loss which will give you a great moral boost. YES, moving around helps a lot as well as keeping…
  • Thats great to know thanx for your help. The only good thing i guess so far other than losing 20 pounds is that i havent vomited not even once since my surgary :)
  • Thank you for the tips, i feel mich better now the pain is mostly gone. So far all my stomich can accept are water, green tea, diet jello and fat free milk. I am also taking my protine supplement. Its a week today since surgary and i already lost 20 pounds in thjs week is that normal?
  • I had a BMI of 41 before the surgary and was kind of active am not cheating on my meals but the pain is killing me and its not getting any better pluse i feel bloated. Any recomendation on what to drink or do to releif the pain other than pain killers which are not helping alot?
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