I have his older ones from back in the day lolol at that time I was in my early 20s! thought I would never use them again...but He is alive in my house! :-) I'm so glad I'm not the only one! :-)
Yes I know. I was the same!!! I got on Billys website a set called PT24/7 With bands and its killer!!! only 30mins ea dvd and so far so good...
yawing during workouts ,if your restless then it's sleep. If it happens to u all the time it's because your body isn't getting enough oxygen to you're brain..that used to happen to me when I first started working out.. I asked my dr and he said that to before thou workout take deep breaths and breath deeper when u…
I know what it is to struggle with depression since I was15! I can say is that once you get to making a exercise like walking everyday for about 30/45 mins a will get takes alot of you believing that you can and will..You are a young beautiful girl, search also spiritual meditation on scriptures if you…
Hey I'm new to this community also! This site has helped me alot..track my food habits and workouts.. UK! that's awesome I'm by Chicago IL! A world away lol feel free to add me :)
I agree with quickcrx702! That is the way I've done it..and it works great. I was 170 lbs at 5'4 now I'm down to 148 in about 4months ...just don't forget cardio at least 40mins to cut the fat,lift wweights to tone..or get ripped! lol men burn more fat than women..So quicker results. :)
Thanks for the info..cux I always noticed that! Just makes me push harder thanks
I believe u should start off at about3000 and give yourself time to adjust...just change the foods to lower fat and higher protein..also I would wing myself off the sodas..I know cuz I lost 28lbs just from giving up soda.I wouldn't drink diet either..fake sugars make ppl over eat more and to damaging in the long run..just…
I have the same problem if u r eating right and working out..let ur body rest a day in between ur stress some ppl gain some lose..ur cortisol levels can go high and its hard to lose fat..its a battle but u will do it..keep faith
Ive been lifting for awhile now..and I see what u mean..800 calories isnt right..weight lifting burn as much or even takes 15/20, to do cardio so ur in fat burning takes 27seconds of lifting weights to start burning fat..30mins if weight lifting burns alot ..look up a calorie app for workouts and log ur…