

  • I re-started three weeks ago.....I first started 2 yrs ago and lost 17 lbs to reach my goal weight ( an initial very realistic goal, I planned on losing more after I hit the first goal).......I felt great and was so proud of myself but with one thing and another (a constant stream of family visiting) the weight crept back…
  • Yes I find it to be the same - huge variations in calorie counts but after a while you will see a pattern in what you eat, initially yes you have to put in some time to log your calories but you will build up your own favorite or most used items and just pull from that. I just wish that the food listing was more…
  • I love the workout! I don't use it as a 30 day makeover but I mix it in during the week with the elliptical and a zumba class to stop me from getting bored.(yes the script gets really irritating after a while). It is a good all over workout that you may find tough (but not killer) the first couple of times. I would…
  • Me too, 10 lbs would make me happy if I could tone the whole lot up! I recently injured my knee doing Zumba, which I LOVE and was my answer to consistent exercise. Now I have to find an alternative until my knee heals fully (if it does) but I am a bit bummed out and could do with some motivation from folks in the same…
  • Thanks for the advice guys, I know for a fact that I don't drink nearly enough water, I work out on my elliptical about 3 times a week and during the day I am on the go all of the time. I eat between 1250 and 1500 a day, some days I eat 1500 without having exercised that day which I know isn't helping . Mostly i need the…
    in I'm stuck! Comment by sticki May 2011
  • I like raw baby carrots with hummus but when I need something with a cup of tea or coffee I got some Hollywood cookies from the "Hollywood cookie diet" they have protein and fiber to keep you fuller longer and have 150 cals.
  • I hear you girl! I too am 5 4" and just this morning I weighed in to find I've lost 12.6 .lbs! I have had friends comment on the fact that I look like I have lost weight and I feel way better in my clothes. I had set my goal to loose a realistic 15 lbs because I have found it so hard to even loose 5 lbs in the…
  • I am from Ireland and I miss Tayto cheese and onion crisps, Cadbury's chocolate, Fish and Chips from the chipper - served in a brown paperbag and dripping with vinegar and I miss the curry from our local Chinese! Good job i moved to the US or I'd be as big as a house!