KookieMx5 Member


  • Hi, fed up with slimming clubs but the weight is creeping on and drawn to the 16:8 fasting method. I tend to eat breakfast out of habit and wondered if this was a good way of kick starting a new regime. So...no breakfast today, may have it for lunch as I am not a keen bread fan anyway. Just reinstated my goals on here so…
  • Hi I am starting WW on Wednesday for the first time. Just joined this group for inspiration and support and will probably have loads of questions on what I can and cannot eat. Looking forward to a new me!
  • Hi, I have had a couple of days of starting to fill in the food diary and failed due to the tin of Roses and goodies left over around the place. The only way is to add these into the calorie count I think. That way I may be able to stick to it. Good luck. I need to lose about 2 stone and would love to get the exercise up…