Bezron Member


  • Name: Michael Age: 40 Height: 6’2” Total weight lost: 50lb Time it took to lose: 8 months How long in maintenance: 1 month Maintenance weight range: 178-186 Average weight recorded for 2020: 224 Average weight recorded for 2021: 226 Average weight recorded for January: 186.6 Average weight recorded for February: 184.8 Week…
  • I'm a 32 year old bloke, and I find that it's women at work who tell me not to lose any more weight or I'm too thin. My friends that I play lots of sport with have commented on me being thinner but not that I'm too thin because they're fit and healthy and a similar build themselves.
  • It's either down to jealousy or the fact that so many people are overweight now that others think it's the norm.