

  • Thanks I will add you! I'm currently taking in about 1700-2000 calories.. As for symptoms I'm pretty gassy and gurgley, I try to follow proper food combining so I don't run into this but it's not seeming to all I can think is that my body is still trying to push out the crap I was eating before which was pretty…
    in New! Comment by normajo123 April 2014
  • Oh and please add me as well! :) I love being able to talk and listen to people going through the same endeavors and challenges as myself, and also my boyfriend is completely the opposite of vegan (though if I cook it he will try it and sometimes eats it) so he can't really offer any advice lol
  • I'm new too! 3 days in...still detoxing I guess since I'm all gurgley with minor discomfort...excited to experience the health benefits!