mmredd100 Member


  • My name is Melissa I am getting ready to turn 25. My weight fluctuates right now between 170-175. I would like to lose 40 pounds or at least until I feel healthy and happy. I have been able to lose weight before but I am having trouble committing this time around. I would like to lose this weight over the next year so I…
  • Well for one there's no reason to attack someone for trying to better themselves. I tried this product because it came to me free of charge when I was starting my journey by a friend who sells it. I was looking for ways to help my stomach issues that I have. I was sold (completely could have been false statements I do not…
    in Advocare Comment by mmredd100 May 2014
  • The cleanse was a ten day phase that consisted of a morning fiber shake (worst part of the whole ordeal completely disgusting) an omegaplex supplement which is Omega-3 fatty acids that are essential components of heart, nerve, muscle, skin, bone and immune health (this product is great i still use them) and there are some…
    in Advocare Comment by mmredd100 May 2014
  • And it wasn't something where once it was over I gained everything back. I never gained the weight back.
    in Advocare Comment by mmredd100 May 2014
  • I did the 24 day challenge. I will give you my honest opinion. The cleanse phase was the first ten days and it was a good experience. The 2nd part is the max phase and it didn't go so well. The limit on foods to eat I struggled with. Overall I lost 14 pounds and tons of inches. After the cleanse I felt great the only thing…
    in Advocare Comment by mmredd100 May 2014
  • I'm Melissa from Kentucky. I've done insanity in the past and I absolutely loved it. Can't wait to do the fit test tonight and get started tomorrow. I don't follow the nutrition guides but I will be trying my best to eat as clean as possible. Going to take it one day at a time and hope for the best results. Good luck to…
  • I personally hated T25. The work out was not what I expected at all the only good thing about it that I did like was that it was 25 minutes. But I also did insanity before T25 and am probably comparing the two. If you can eat strictly healthy for five months you could def lose 15+ pounds. As far as being toned I found that…
  • I am starting next week. I've done it before and I loved it. Feel free to add!
  • I used to work at a gym for seven years so I never really had the gym fear until I switched gyms out of my comfort zone. But I was one of those people who offered free consultations at the beginning and i strongly recommend it. It definitely helps but with those you get out about as much as you put into it. Ask tons of…
  • I'm around 174 (it keeps fluctuating) and my hopes are to be around 125-135 eventually. But the number on the scale doesn't really matter to me if I feel like I look good and healthy and feel that way too. Feel free to add me as well :)
  • We will be engaged at the end of this year and we are planning for a fall 2015 wedding. It's a long ways away it seems like but the upside to that is i can lose weight in a healthy way where it hopefully will stay off! Trying to get used to MFP and my fitbit and counting calories and working out getting into a routine that…
  • While I am not yet engaged (he plans to propose sometime this year) We have already talked about a fall wedding next year. So I have decided to start now and take my time and do it the healthy way! Feel free to add:)
  • I started a week ago. Last week I really had trouble getting the moves down. And I feel really dumb because I've done insanity and I thought that was simple but I feel like this one is a lot quicker so I just can't keep up. I've continued through though without quitting and this week is a lot better! So if you feel like…
  • I did insanity too, and just started this program yesterday. I have to say i think insanity was a little bit easier. Just because these moves are very fast paced and new. I'm a little sore but i'm going to keep powering through and hope i pick it up!
  • I was supposed to start yesterday but i got snowed in at my boyfriends house! starting day 1 today and just continuing on til saturday! then will be on track next week! i can't wait!
  • I added you :) I am 5'2 and need to lose about 40-50 pounds. I also am around the 1300-1400 calorie goal as well and i feel that it is often more than enough but will add more if i need to. While i do go to the gym i just joined a new gym and i HATE it. So i ordered beachbody's T25 and am starting today actually. I lost…
  • I am hoping to lose 40-50 pounds. I would love for people to add me! Any tips and advice is welcome as well.
  • When I first started insanity I had been working out lightly for a few months. Even when i started it though i still felt out of shape. There were many days where I was taking a breather when the dvd was carrying on but even after those days where i felt like i half assed it, i still feel like i worked out. My results were…
  • I just got notice that I will receive mine tomorrow, so if i can wait til Monday that's when i'm starting! Feel free to add me. Have done insanity before and it worked for me rather well. Hopefully this will do the same.