kimmiecookie Member


  • I found that every so often, you need to take a week off. For me it was 12 weeks "on" and 1 week off. You'd be surprised. Don't go all crazy on the off week, but let your body catch up and adjust. The weight should start coming off again.
  • I'm sorry I can't help about the excess skin. I'd agree that being only 26 should work toward your advantage. You asked about belly and inner thigh exercises. The inner thigh is a tough one and doesn't generally get hit with straight squats. Instead you want to do plie squats: legs wide apart, toes pointing outward and…
  • tabata (interval training)
  • Hi Everyone! Chuck, this is great! MyFitnessPal is an awesome tool to keep you on track. I'm a personal trainer and I use this often - yes, even trainers need to stay on track! I'm happy to help with exercises and proper form. I'm NOT a nutritionist, but I'll say that I don't believe in any fad diet. I'm a believer of…