Jho8217 Member


  • Goals this week: Water, water, water: N/Y/Y/Y Workout 3x this week: N/N/N/Y Encourage others: N/Y/N/N Think Positive!!: N/Y/Y/N I'm not doing as well as I'd like - but its my first week - always room for improvement
  • Thats amazing Littleone! I'm so happy that you were able to be strong in a difficult situation! Thats tough but you did it!! A positive choice that I made today was try to be more patient with my children and really focus on them rather than what needs to be done around the house. Cleaning can wait - its important to…
  • Great suggestion on the swimming Runner! Do you think that sitting on a stationary bike would be less impact on the knees?? I was over on calories yesterday - my main error being MAYO - lesson learned. Healthy Soup today for lunch and I should be able to get a workout in tonight! Goals this week: Water, water, water: N/Y…
  • BDonjon That did sound a bit smart-alecky but thanks for not minding your own business on the spreadsheet in order to find my error! That said, you are doing a great job this month! Way to go!
  • very much appreciated! I shall do my best!
  • HELLO!! First timer - I transferred from Fitday. I need to be accountable for everything!! Looking for encouragement and also looking to give motivation and encouragement! WE CAN DO THIS!
  • FIRST DAY! woo hoo! Hi everyone! I'm new but I'll be your new best friend now! I love sugar! My husband thinks I'm an elf because I love sugar so much! Its going to be a hard habit to break. Also, I hate drinking water so I'm here to make myself accountable to all of you! I hope everyone has a great week ahead!