Karriealex Member


  • I just got quite the giggle. I was looking for free books for my Kindle. I get a lot of recipe books from this particular site. Well what do I come across. "Weight Loss with Okra the Miracle Food" Well that would work for me because I HATE okra and would probably starve to death if that is what I could eat. Wouldn't have…
  • You are not weird. We eat breakfast for dinner on occasion here also. It breaks up the rut of eating the same things all the time. :happy:
  • Unfortunately it is true. It came over my news feed on Facebook from our local TV station. Ours didn't say what he died from but I see someone posted that it was from complications from open heart surgery. He was a really good actor and seemed like a really nice guy. RIP Uncle Phil.
  • I need some suggestions. I am looking for some high protein low calorie ideas for breakfast. I am diabetic so protein would be best for me. My only problem is I am not crazy about plain eggs. I also cannot do a cheese egg combo. Just the thought of that gives me the willies. I like cheese but just not with eggs. Anyone…
  • I am trying to add everyone but I am now getting confused because I am going from two lists. I am unsure who I have messaged and who I have not. If I have not messaged you please message me. My username is karriealex. Thanks!
  • I am looking forward to going through this journey with all of you. The accountability to each other will be wonderful and a great motivator to keep us on track. I am looking forward to being thinner in 2014!