

  • Agreed a lot of the time if you aren't drinking enough water you retain it. Also, if you drink anything with Caffeine in it, you need to add extra water for every once you drink because it is a diuretic . So before you grab the cup of coffee or tea think "If I drink this I have to drink 6oz more water every cup" Yes, you…
  • Always thought it was odd that they say that to detox you have to take something which more than likely is a chemical that isn't good for your body. I honestly feel that our bodies would love us more if we cut the processed crap out of our diets. I know its easier said than done but I also think its so worth it. I'm not…
    in Detoxing Comment by jumpnj March 2011
  • most of the time I have no issue eating 1200 cal but today was the first day that I had to make an effort to get close to it. I've eaten 1,086 cal today and my net cal is sitting at 967 and I am full. I've eaten 3 meals and a snack today. I purposely ate an egg and bacon after work and still I need more. I went over my fat…
  • I agree with the other posters here. Trying upping it by 1 or 2 hundred and that might make a difference.