JosiBella Member


  • Hmm not really any fans there (the big industrial ones gyms usually have?) but I always find the A/C super cold before I start moving and it's usually pretty quiet, even for New-Years-Reso January lol Waiting to hit below 100kg so I can use the treadmill set up here for my brother's injury rehabilitation. Soon, I hope! But…
  • Hey, I'm 23 and from WA (south of the river) always keen for some motivation :)
  • @seh139, I'm South of the river too in Kwinana but I have a gym membership at the Jets in Baldivis if you're keen for a gym buddy. I'm new to this whole fitness and diet dealie with about 30kg to lose too so I'm always up for some extra motivation :-)
  • Hey guys, I've just started the Optifast VLCD again after my 4 week stint was ruined by the dreaded xmas dinner :/ Whenever I log my food and exercise on here it always tells me the calories are too low and my body might go into starvation mode. Is it reason for concern? Anyway, feel free to add me -I could certainly do…
  • Hey guys! I'm new here too and I'm hoping my first endeavour is a success. Just wanted to wish the other newcomers the best of luck. Here's hoping I can stick to the optifast and gym visits. Feel free to add me as you wish. Stay classy folks!