BeastModeGost Member


  • 5'7 and weigh 198.2 as of this morning. I've lost about 15lbs since may and been training since late 2012. I use calipers to measure BF% but I just started measuring it about 3 weeks ago so cant tell u where I was before deficit. I don't feel weak or anything like that for most of the time. I just wasn't aware that…
  • I did read your post but I really want to know is if I need to refeed or decrease my calories in order for me not to go 2 weeks with no changes at all. Based on what you said I don't need to refeed which is fine but 2 weeks no change at all does concern me especially when I went from working out 4 days a week to 6 days at…
  • I started IIFYM in may and after 4 weeks even though I lost about 10 pounds the following 2 weeks I plateau didn't gain but didn't lose and all my measurements were about the same. This is the main reason I am looking into refeed basically is it necessary or does it help to not plateau? I have not been low carbing even…
  • bump would like another opinion