vadarvs Member


  • I use the plain greek yogurt but only because I use it to sub for sour cream as well. So instead of buying vanilla flavored, which I'm sure would be great for your breakfast smoothie, I buy the plain because I use it for a variety of things. I usually sweeten my smoothie with a little bit of splenda or other sweetner when…
  • I've had plenty of times during my journey of discouragement. I would recommend a heart rate monitor and set your goal to lose weight. I bought one and loved it! There have been times the number on the scale didn't change as much as I expected, but every month I get my measurements taken and body fat % done and that's…
  • Add protein powder. It will work as your sweetner PLUS give you extra protein your body probably needs.
  • Agreed! I don't mind cooking, but don't like doing it ALL the time.
  • You should only weigh yourself once a week, it's more realistic than expecting everyday results. As others have said, there are many factors that will fluctuate your daily weight, such as the amount of sodium you are eating in your foods, water retention, etc. On your weekly weigh in, make sure it's the same time each…
  • I worked full time, went to school full time and both of my kids were involved in basketball, so that meant practice at least twice a week and games every Saturday. Since my evenings were booked, I went to the gym before work, everyday, and took the weekends off. My weekends I spent catching up with any homework I didn't…
  • Make sure you tell your trainer exactly what you want. If you can do a trial session with a trainer first, I would recommend. You won't like every trainer's style. It is amazing how weight training will change your body. Make sure you ask your trainer to take your measurements and body fat % before you start. Like somebody…
  • That's awesome! Congrats! I was never very active growing up, but ran a few running events with friends and got the bug for a little while. I especially like the muddy runs with obstacles, SO MUCH FUN!
  • Getting a personal trainer depends on many factors. If you are happy with your current workout schedule and feel you are doing good training and losing the weight you want, then you should be fine. If you want some variety and more motivation and can afford a personal trainer, then talk to some people at your gym to see…
  • Can't wait to try this! I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies last night and had to bring in as many cookies to share with co-workers so I don't eat them all myself! Thanks for sharing such a simple recipe!
  • I just recently bought a Polar HRM FX60 and I love it. I wish I would have bought one a long time ago when I first started working out. My weight loss record on MFP isn't anything significant, so hopefully with my new gadget I will be able to record some weight loss. I'm using MFP to track my body fat % and measurements…
  • I have been just as discouraged lately. However, I know that my lack of seeing results is because I will splurge from time to time. Even though I will still be under my calorie goal for the day, I'm not seeing the results I want. My weigh in yesterday was a little discouraging, but my husband pointed out that I wasn't as…
  • I only do a weekly weigh in, preferably early in the morning before eating or drinking. I think a weekly weigh in is both realistic and can motivate you to either change your eating habits for the following week (if you had a gain) or motivates you to continue to workout harder and maintain your eating habits (if you had a…
  • I think it's awesome you are willing to make the change at such a young age. I wish it would have been the case for me. I didn't really get into working out and eating healthy until my late 20's, early 30's. Feel free to add me for support and encouragement!
  • Looking forward to checking it out! I had both of my children in my 20s, didn't pay too much attention to working out or eating healthy. I have to say I'm much healthier in my 30's and look a lot better in my 30's than I ever did in my 20's.
  • I try to cook/plan most of my lunches on the weekend. I usually grill some chicken breast and take with baked sweet potatoes. You can add the chicken on top of salad greens too. Soup or chili when it's cold or rainy outside. When I cook dinner, I prepare a lunch container right away.
  • I log in everyday, post the good and the bad. I would love to give and get support from MyFitnessPal "friends."
  • I've just recently discovered Myfitnesspal and I love it! I know it's not exactly on point with how many calories burned or consumed, but I would rather have an approximate than nothing at all. I can only imagine how many calories I was consuming in the past while telling myself "I don't eat that much." I love this app!
  • Hi Michelle! I do 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. workouts too. I have recently started drinking D-fine 8 which tastes great. There are a variety of flavors and you just mix it with water. I don't know how this would agree with your stomach issues though. The ingredients contain caffeine, but its not like other caffeinated drinks. Maybe…