

  • It freezes really well as long as you fill the container to the top or darn close. I started cooking with red lentils when I was an au pair, and I would make batches on red lentil stew and freeze it for the baby.
  • I think it was the part where I'm 5'10", really broad-shouldered, and dancing 7 hours a week at the top of my classes, along with a sparkling clean blood panel.
  • I'm part Irish as well. I intend to get a stylized version of my mother's clan's coat of arms, but instead of a shield, the background will be the logo of my favorite political punk band. Because its badass. I may get the motto in Hebrew to represent my dad's side, though...
  • My body *loved* Atkins when I did it in college. Low/no carb is a lifestyle I could live for the rest of my life, but since I'm married, I don't get a lot of choice about not having the bad stuff in my home. Instead I cut out grains, starches, and refined sugars so my body has to work harder to process it and so the…
  • I bake a ton. I give it to colleagues or bring it to parties and then run away laughing. :-p
  • I think its interesting that people take a question and use it as a platform. I did say we're all adults and make our own choices, but some of us had to get to this point before those choices were actually made. I didn't know there was anything wrong with my eating until I hit 250 a couple years after I was married. My…
  • Greek Gods Honey Greek Yogurt is *amazing* by itself, but I usually add in a handful of muesli or granola mixed with dried fruit. I usually only use the plain greek yogurt as a sour cream replacement for tacos and potatoes and that. Or in my baking, but let's not talk about that...
  • OMG! I would *love* to get into a theater! I have no idea how to go about it, but I would love to get back into play production! My sport is MMA; I can't get back into it until I drop some weight and up my crappy, crappy endurance again. *snifflesob*
  • Thanks, you guys! Some of these aren't practical at night, since stuff (including the mall!) shuts down pretty early hear. I should definitely check out meetup.com because I'm really bad at meeting people. I think you're right in that creating is part of what draws me to cooking; one of the reasons I've worked so hard at…
  • Sucrose is the sugar in biscuits. It is a refined sugar, and incredibly simple, so it breaks down faster than your body can process it usefully. Fructose is the sugar in fruit. It is a complex sugar, so it takes a little bit more energy to break down (we're talking less than it takes to run a watch, though). What's more…
  • At 338, the weight is going to pour off at first, the second you restrict your calorie intake, so don't trip about that. Stay above starvation mode, though. Also, I wouldn't jump into p90x. I would walk an hour a day until you can hit 3.5 miles in an hour (plot it out on google maps if you don't have a local track).
  • I cuss at myself a lot. Seriously, though. I make myself a minute-to-minute chart, and make sure I hit everything. Well..the writing and chores still seem to be falling by the wayside, but the workout and toilette regimens are working out.
  • I don't eat so much when I'm stressed as when I'm breathing. I was raised to be very defensive of my food, and nothing fills a bored spot like grabbing a bite somewhere with a friend. Sites like this really help me keep conscious of what I'm putting into my body.
  • I have a low-impact day, but when I get into the groove of working out, I feel like a jerk if I completely take the day off. Usually low-impact day involves biking with my dog (she pulls me most of the way) or taking long walks with my family and dogs.
  • Also, you can see if your local high school lets locals use their track after school hours. Good tracks are soft and bouncy!
  • Salted caramel handmade ice cream. I will replace a meal with this sometimes. Also, a new ice cream place at my local mall makes Frosted Flakes ice cream. It tastes like the milk after you've eaten the cereal! It's crack!
  • Two years ago, I dropped 60 lbs, largely with counting calories (and, y'know, training for the cage). ...the downside of rapid weight loss though is your gallbladder might go plooey, but since you only have 5 lbs to lose, I think you're good.
  • Many. Try these: 1) Sit cross-legged on the floor. Walk your hands forward, letting your head sink down. Focus on relaxing your back. 2) Lay on your back on a mat, with your knees pulled up to your chest. Keeping your knees together, slowly let your knees drop to your left until they touch the floor (or however close you…
  • You are most welcome. This is one of the few things I can actually give recipes for! I mostly do "trance cooking" where I come to and realize I've made something! ^.^
  • Hello! I added both of you! Yay snark!