I made a strawberry-blackberry-cranberry compote for a cheesecake a couple weeks ago, and now I'm using the leftovers on top of my plain greek yogurt. Not bad, tastes a little like peach yogurt. I also like whole blueberry syrup over plain yogurt. Just a little bit of sweet over the creamy and the tart.
The roasted eggs are optional. I just really like having an easy protein on hand in my fridge. They're basically the same as hardboiled, but slightly better texture.
I live in a super-Asian area of Southern California. Asian food all up in this shiz, but I can't deal with seaweed, but whatever works for you! ^.^ Also, my husband is Chinese-Thai and I went to UCLA so 70% of the food I cook is Asian inspired.
I normally do. I have 2 hours of morning workout blocked out, but these two weeks I just hit the ground running, and its ugly.
I am totally *****ing. Because this is the community board and the "Motivation and Support" forum. Anyone asking for motivation is technically *****ing. I'm sorry you had to recently put down your friend. My oldest dog is injured, and its taking me through all sorts of nightmare scenarios. My younger dog is 15 months old…
You're very welcome! When I lived in West L.A., I used to *live* at this boba shop that also served *amazing* miso soup that was enough for a meal! I've never been able to recreate it, but I try!
Bento is good, because you can make a lot of different stuff in advance and then throw it all together and go in the mornings. Also because I love bento. We have a lot of bento stuff, but the adults mostly use Mr. Bento, know...adults.…
I don't like seaweed, so I use baby spinach in my miso soup. I love sauteed spinach, and berry spinach salads. Not very snacky though.
I'm grateful I have a rental that has a yard, and that I can have dogs and that my husband and I make enough money that we can afford to support an extra dog here and there. This current one had demodetic mange when I got her, and she's just a love-heart, and just lies there while I go over her raw skin for ingrown hairs…
Yeah, my cat totally has shredded my previous yoga mat. Part of the reason I finally put it aside. Now the cat has decided she's married to my roommate, so she's almost never in my room anymore. I usually keep my yoga mat out on the floor in front of my bed so I can roll out of bed into pilates. When I DO do yoga or…
yup! Sugar alcohols ftp!
Awesome. Witch hazel makes a lot of sense. I've been using simple green, since this mat is too big to fit in the washer, but I *hate* how that stuff smells.
I doubt it. Both my dad's dog and my youngest dog, I got directly from their litters, and my current rescue was found tied to a pole outside, half-starved, and being used as a bait dog. I don't think anyone bothered with mats. :-/
I don't yell, but if I even use my stern voice, they freak out and go hide. My dogs are rescues from fighting rings, not just puppies someone gave up.
Diet soda is not bad for weight loss. In fact, caffeine is an appetite suppressant. As long as you're logging your calories, you're fine. However... ...sodas have carbonation, which is thought to harm bone density over a long period of time, AND... ...colas (dark sodas with high carbonic acid levels, e.g. everything in the…
Bumping for SuperBowl. Because I'm a giver.
I was going to suggest something similar. You're a good, good person. Also, you can brush the bread with a little olive oil for a more panini taste.
Transmetropolitan Chew Preacher The Boys Saga Hitman Blood Brothers (if they ever release another issue!) Everyone swears I'll love Cross, but I have to finish Chew before I pick up another series.
1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup orange juice 1 tbsp maple syrup 1/2 stalk rhubarb, siced 1/2 cup peaches, diced 1 splash vanilla extract 1/4 cup oats Mix everything in small pot, and bring to boil, stirring constantly. I also sometimes throw in some flax seeds.
banana. I usually share it with my dogs. If I have some impetus, my berry-almond-chevre salad.
Well, its kind of tricky because the recipe makes more pesto than you actually need, and because it depends on how thickly you "dot" the cheese. An eighth of the crust is about 62 calories. A tablespoon of pesto is 36 calories. The grape tomatoes aren't gonna be significant, so the real weight is gonna be in how you…
I think what you're looking for is "coconut and avocado" because those two have the highest amount of calories/fat. However, as others have said, they serve their nutritional purpose. Avocados are actually kind of amazing, if you're in to that kind of thing.
Money, ID, keys, phone, towel, combination lock (for the lockers), bag gloves, wraps, bite guard. I need to buy a watch. Once I swam for like three hours and didn't realize because I didn't have any time-tellers nearby. My gym provides shampoo and that.
Cereal. Really comparatively healthy cereal at that. I can easily blow through a box in a day. I even made my own granola. Its a sickness.
You can't really ease into the Atkins diet. Unless you're following it to the milligram, you're not really doing Atkins, because you have to do that hardcore two-week introductory period to get your body to flip the switch. I *LOVED* Atkins when I was on it. I was happier and more energetic than I had ever been in my life,…
Hi! I'm 32/f, 5'10"! I don't have bad knees per se, but they twist really easily, so I have to refrain from stuff that involves changing direction quickly or jumping sideways.
Not necessarily. My chin always bulges underneath, no matter how skinny I am. I have to really concentrate to relax the muscles around it to make the bulge go away. Don't be snide.
What my mother taught me is to lean your head back and push your lower jaw forward so you look like you have the world's biggest underbite. 5 sets of 10 reps a day. I don't know if this actually works that well. I'm always afraid of TMJ or something, so I've never really given this one its full commitment.
oranges and bananas. Bananas are filling. Oranges are fun. Both are delicious.
After I lost 60 lbs a couple years ago, my gallbladder asploded. The doctors said they see it a lot in bariatric patients (who also lose weight super-fast).