Atkins Diet: The Beginning


I am going to start this message board topic, which may turn into a blog to follow my journey on the Atkins Diet. I really made a decision this year to stick to a healthier lifestyle and love me. After researching several lifestyles plans and diets, I found that Atkins would be best for me. I have done quite a bit of research and found that this diet is more than just meat-loading! It will help curb my insatiable carb-addiction. Thus far, I have been on the plan for two days and I am loving it.

Beginning Weight: 185.4 lbs
Height: 5'8
Waist: size 10-12
Age: 26.8 (almost 27)
Problem Areas: Hips and small tummy pouch
Goal Weight: 155 lbs
Goal Caloric Intake/Day: 1100 calories

Day 0:
Weigh in: 185.4
What I Ate: Cannot remember but I eased myself onto the diet by limiting carbs
Notes: None

Day 1(Sunday, Janaury 5, 2014):
Weigh in: N/A
What I Ate (following Atkins Protocol):
2 Atkins Bars (170 calories *2)
3 Yogurts (50 cals *3)
5 slices bacon (60 cals *5)
4 eggs (70 cals *4)
Notes: I did not weigh myself Day 1. I threw up mid-day and woke up with a pounding headache. They call this Atkins Induction flu. I felt better by the end of the day.

Day 2 (Monday, January 6, 2014):
Weigh in: N/A
What I Ate (following Atkins Protocol):
2 Atkins Bars (170*2)
2 Yogurts (50*2)
6 slices bacon (250 calories)
1 egg omelet with cheese (200 calories)
Notes: I am seriously under my calories intake. However, I am not hungry at all. I had to force myself to eat lunch. I feel very full all the time. I think I also began having symptoms of the "carb-crash". I was walking down the hallway at work, and stumbled a few times. I do not see myself eating dinner tonight. I am too full. I will weigh myself in the morning. I hope to have lost 1.5-2 lbs.


  • ABeltwayBandit23
    Day 3-5

    I am really proud that I have stuck to the protocol. However, I have gone above the amount of calories that I feel comfortable with (1150). The past two days I have eaten between 1400 and 1650 calories.

    I am trying to ease my calories back down.

    Tomorrow, I weigh myself. I must say my jeans, blouses, and blazers are fitting me better than I expected them to at this point. I would like to see a 2-4 pound drop in weight.

    Starting weight: 185.4
  • FungusGirl
    FungusGirl Posts: 27 Member
    Hi! How is it going? :)
  • riginthering
    You can't really ease into the Atkins diet. Unless you're following it to the milligram, you're not really doing Atkins, because you have to do that hardcore two-week introductory period to get your body to flip the switch.

    I *LOVED* Atkins when I was on it. I was happier and more energetic than I had ever been in my life, even in the two-week period where most people get grumpy.