

  • Just in response to the past posts, I'm not saying anyone should follow the SCD to the exact word. Although, I will argue that the restrictions on your diet are there for a reason. This is a generality, but I can assume most of us didn't eat healthy before we started this diet. By following the rules, many of us have…
  • As long as you find a recipe that only includes allowable foods, you will be fine. How the foods react to your body may be a different story. It seems to me to find out what works for you and apply it over and over again. I forgot to post this earlier but here is a good cookbook i found.…
  • @Goalis180 Diary isn't an allowable food group in this diet. I'm not one to nitpick but it doesn't seem to right to suggest to others seeking advice. It may work for you but I generally feel like one should follow the diet to a T first before adjusting to their own wants.
  • 1. I workout the same amount as I used to. I feel like a diet should change your lifestyle outside of the kitchen. Since I work out a lot (4 days of lifting, along with running). I tend to try to feed myself more. This plays into another question you have later. 2. I don't think chewing gum should effect anything although…
  • @Mcferg Without knowing your age or physical background, you would be surprised how easily you can pick things back up when your body is in better shape. I did a marathon last October, and I'm currently training for a half marathon in May. I haven't really run in the winter, but with my weight training and weight loss, I…
  • My cheat day is almost done so it should be interesting what I gained from it (I did run a 10k this morning so I shouldn't be much)! Did anyone else have guilt over what they were choosing to eat during their cheat day? I ended up calorie counting the pizza I wanted for dinner! Anyways, hope everyone is enjoying the diet…
  • Finally my first cheat day, I went from 218 to 210.6 in first week. Granted I work out 4 times a week and run on the weekends, but this is huge progress. I probably won't go crazy today but I can't wait to enjoy some waffles and pizza!
  • Hey guys! I just wanted to ask them men a question about weight loss on this diet. I weight myself at the beginning (2 days ago, 218.3) and then I weighed myself this morning at 213. I know a lot of this is water weight but I have been drinking way more water than I normally do (I'm down to 1-2 cans of diet soda a day now,…
  • Hey all! I just started the SCD yesterday. I will say I'm confused by one thing. I remember getting the impression from the book that one shouldn't measure their food. I do know that a majority of your calories come from beans. I'm not the biggest fan of beans so I've been downing a beef chili with various veggies added…
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