ghs63 Member


  • Man.. you really are dense. lol What claim did I make? I simply stated that there is research in favor of post-workout creatine consumption. The article shows that. Nowhere did I say that it was BETTER to take it pre or post workout. Nowhere in my post did I say that I believed that one way was better than the other. I…
  • The pre/post workout debate has been going on for longer than a decade. There are PLENTY of studies that show taking creatine post-workout has an equal or greater effect than pre-workout. Don't discount or dismiss the research just…
  • Dude, it's really not that difficult. You just need to re-learn how to eat/cook. You can easily eat both packaged and un-packaged food and still meet all of the requirements in the IIFYM system. It all depends on what you eat. You can eat chicken, fish, beef and turkey.... lots of different kinds of green vegetables (baby…
  • I never post on here. But based on some of the comments today, I felt compelled to post a quick response. One of the BASIC tenets of critical thinking is analyzing and synthesizing CONTEXT. What does that mean? It means that you have to look at the circumstances surrounding an argument/thesis/action/idea in order to truly…