sarafischbach9 Member


  • I think calorie counting can be very useful when maintaining weight. I have maintained the best when counting calories and keeping track of my exercises. BUT, I have also found that I get obsessive and I have gone to bed hungry just because I felt like I couldn't have anymore calories. I'm thinking when you say you want to…
  • I'm 5'4" and 108-110 lbs. I maintain on 2100-2200 calories but I exercise a lot. I was actually maintaining 103 lbs over the summer on 2300-2500 calories ( I had a very active job, took walks all the time and was running 50 to 60 miles per week. I was doing about 30000 to 40000 steps most days! ) Right now I'm mainly…
  • I take 1-2 rest days. But on my rest days I still do the gym and do lighter stuff, like the bike or elliptical. I'm a runner and coming off a marathon that I did on Sunday November 2nd.
  • Listen to your doctor! 1200 calories is too low for the majority of people. When I was losing weight almost a year ago, there were days when I was at 1200 calories and I felt like I was starving.
  • On the treadmill you can force a speed. When I run on the treadmill I usually go at a faster pace than outdoors because I adjust the settings to be at 6.7 mph or 7 mph. When I run outside, it is usually slower because I'm just going at what my body feels like. Usually I do anywhere between 5.8 to 6.2 mph outside. When I'm…
  • Running my 1st marathon on 11/2. Hoping it doesn't rain. I can handle the chilly weather. I just need to invest in some good gloves. My longest run has been 21 miles, and I'm doing a 22 miler and tapering off.
  • Hi! I love to run as well. I am training for a marathon that is on November 2nd. I took up running in 2010, but quit when I went to college. This past year I began running again and I have made great improvements. I average about 10 minutes per mile as well. Sometimes I do faster, other times slower. Depends on what my…
  • Do I want to admit how many calories I eat? I'm just under 5'4"... technically I'm 5.3'5". I was maintaining at 103 lbs but right now I'm fluctuating between 104-105 lbs. Not sure what is going on right now... All I know is that I will lose weight on 1800-2000 calories, but that is only because I'm very active. When I was…
  • You're not going to build muscle if you're as under as you say you are. In fact, you will continue to lose weight, which will be both muscle and fat. When you eat too little for a long period of time, especially with quite a bit of cardio, your body will eat at muscle for energy. Yes, you will lose fat as well but you lose…
  • If you can do faster, then you should. Of course like the other poster said, you should stretch. You will probably find that when you do your runs, you may sprint during some portions and then jog in others. Some people are just naturally faster than others.
  • OMG yes :( :( :( My family makes fun of me. Another brand that is "addicting" is Genisoy, my favorite flavor being peanut butter fudge. Genisoy bars are expensive, too, but I get them for cheap at I would say I'm torn between Genisoy bars and Quest bars. I like Pure Protein and Luna Bars, but they aren't the…
  • I am 5'3.5" and I used to be 145 lbs. This was when I was in 9th grade and back in 2005. I have never been that high since then. My highest recently was 135 lbs last Fall, of which I have lost. I'm down to 102-103 lbs now, which I know sounds low, but I eat 1900-2400 calories per day ( I am very active ) and I have a small…
  • I don't think belly button rings are "in" per say. I noticed my 17 year old cousin who is a high school senior has one, but I have no idea what is big and what isn't in that crowd. I think that if you want to wear a belly button ring, then you should.
  • Walking 3.8 to 4 mph on hills is a good exercise. It's not like your doing a slow stroll on a flat ground surface ( but even that is still good ). Anyway, if you like walking then keep on doing it! Nothing wrong with the elliptical either, but you should do the exercises you want to do!
  • Some employees don't pay attention to how much food they are giving away. If anything, that costs the restaurant more money. My sister's restaurant ( she is the manager at a Chipotle ) is really strict on portions, just because of food costs.
  • I bought a pair last month. They are Nike Initiator. Mine is in white and pink. I'm going to need to get another pair soon to alternate. Apparently you have to get new shoes every 350 miles. I will need a new pair before October.
  • It can be hard, because you may not feel like you have a goal to hit, or if you go over your calories, then you're either in a surplus or you have to exercise more to make up for it. For me, the best thing to do has been setting new goals. I'm training for a half-marathon and marathon in the Fall, so that brings a whole…
  • I wouldn't pay too much attention to that. I found when I began losing weight, it was more in align with the predictions. But as time went on, it became more overestimates. You reach your goals when you reach them. There are a lot of variables anyway... like underestimate or overestimation of exercise/calories burned and…
  • I think that you should do what is working best. I do think 1200 calories is an energy amount that is too low for the majority of people, especially active people. I eat 2000+ calories a day, but I'm also training for a marathon. People are floored when they see me eat, because I'm just under 5'4" and 103 lbs. People think…
  • Anything I want, provided it is within my allotted calories and in moderation and within reason. Tonight I had an ice cream sandwich
  • I burn almost 1300 calories when I do my long runs ( 16+ miles ), but I'm very small. I know for my 16+ mile run this week, I am having red velvet ice cream!! :) I know EXACTLY what you mean.
  • I'm an endurance athlete as well and trying to maintain. I find it really hard, because my activity varies from day to day. My long run this week was 18 miles and my short run was 6 miles. Today I did 7 miles and yesterday 10 miles. Then I have two "rest" days a week from running, where they are always work days ( I do…
  • Hi! I'm actively trying to maintain!! Training for a marathon that is in the Fall, so I'm running a lot too. Feel free to add me if you want!
  • I think you look good in your bikini. I've seen people much bigger than you in bikinis, so you're all right. I don't think you have a lot to lose. You will get there!
  • I don't think women do these things to be charlatans. I think they feel like they HAVE to... they feel that they have to look a certain way to get men and to compete with other women. I know this is idealistic of me, but I don't like it that people make life out to be a competition. I think some competition ( friendly ) is…
  • Hi, I used to run back in 2010 and got lazy and picked it back up this past March. On my first run I did a 3 miler on a wintery cold day and it took me about 38 minutes. So I was doing 12-13 minutes per mile. Right now on a good day I do 10:30 minutes per mile. On slower days I do 11:30 minutes per mile. I am training for…
  • Congrats on your loss!! According to BMI, it says you can healthfully weigh in between 102 and 136 lbs. At 119 lbs, you are at a very good weight. However, if you DO want to lose more, then that is up to you and do what makes you feel better.
  • I gained weight in 2013 due to eating out too much and not moving around ( exercising ) enough. I think if you keep track of your eating. It doesn't have to be perfectly logged on MFP but if you are mindful about your calories and keep yourself active, you should be fine. It is okay to eat over maintenance once in a…