

  • Hey, f**ck ED - Nutella is GREAT! And every girl out there knows there's no way to get through your period without chocolate right? When my ED does that do me I try to tell myself that every food that makes me happy is happy food, and happy food makes happy endorphines, and happy food make you feel good so then it can't be…
  • I've experienced it a couple of times and there are different stages of recovering. First it's the purely physical part - gaining a little weight, eating regularly, starting up your digestive system again... and the sad story is that's the "easy" part. It's hard as hell and I really thought I was going to die every day and…
  • Hi Vicky! I've too have been struggling with EDs since I was very young and have a similair story to yours. I got very sick last year (stress problems) wich prevented me from working out and I gained a lot of weight (almost 30kg/60lbs). Not all of that weight was "bad" weight since I was way to skinny and heading towards a…