

  • I totally understand what you are feeling. I have been on MFP for a month and My total weight loss is also 1 lbs. It is very disappointing. I am also losing motivation. However, I do feel toner and my abs are more defined. My weight do fluctuates alot 2-3 lbs every other day. It could be water retention. I have also gotten…
  • Where is your pizza shop? I'll go eat there.
  • Thanks so much for sharing. I am always looking for new ideas. This one seems easy enough!
  • I have not lost size no, but I do notice a firmer upper body for sure. I can see that my chest, arms and abs are noticebly more defined. Other than that, just sore body. But really want to be smaller. I notice you hardly eat any meat, are you a vegetarian? did you train to run 10 miles in 4 months? It is relief to know…
  • I was surprise to see how many people here actually mention sodium. i never knew it would play such a big role. and Yes! i like wokbox, it's where i go to if I did not bring lunch! I really appreciate your comments and advice! So just summarising everything, I concluded that: I need to log water and make sure that I am…
  • I think you are right. i have to admit that I'm not properly tracking my calories. for example, I dont log thing like a table spoon of tzatziki on a fact, sometimes if I put a hand full of spinach in my soup and fail to log that in. I should also start logging water intake. Thanks!!
  • Yay! It''s always nice to have more local friends on MFP. I am considering doing different doing different stuff like tennis and yoga. Would tweaking workout time make a difference too?
  • @ allisonmarie93 Thanks for the comment! I am not sure about the muscle part being heavier than fat for the reason for no weight loss. but I am noticing a firmer upper body.