nmcguier Member


  • You mentioned sweating, so I would ask if you are keeping yourself hydrated. I recently learned that one is more likely to retain excess water if they are chronically dehydrated (not near the brink of death, just not getting enough fluids throughout the day). I occasionally run into the same thing and consequently spend a…
  • I dropped off a giant bag of clothes at Good Will that are way too big :)
  • For me, I had to lose 30lbs before I noticed that I needed new pants. I'm 5'8" with a SW of 220. At 190 my size 14 jeans required too much belting to stay up so I got some 12s. At 170 I just bought 8s in the same brand. I want to lose another 20lbs and suspect that will get me to a comfy size 6.
  • As long as you are getting your micro and macronutrients, screw 'em. Good job on the weight loss!
  • Totally a success. According to your ticker you're halfway there!! Great job!
  • Yeah, as at least a couple have been saying, this article is grounded in scientific studies and makes a lot of sense. The TL;DR of the piece isn't that you won't cut weight by cutting calories, but that you need to have complete nutrition in addition to burning calories. Maintaining weight loss and not eating salty, fatty…
  • Are you exercising? If so, eat back your calories. Instead of eating cereal for breakfast, have a couple fried eggs. 180ish calories and quite filling. Replace your diet snacks with carrots/celery sticks. Skip the sandwich and have 2 cups of low cal soup instead for lunch. Load up on veggies with your dinner. You can eat a…
  • That is awesome! Keep kicking Jillian's butt!
    in 1st NSV! :D Comment by nmcguier May 2014
  • It's important to note that no one here, including myself, is a nutritionist. Everything with a grain of salt. I've been doing rigorous diet and exercise for 4 months. I'm averaging a loss of 10lb/month. Weekends I tend to break even on my net calories, but during the week, I don't eat back my exercise calories. What I…
  • Why not make your monthly goals a range? "I want to do 18-20 double unders". The low number is least number that you will be personally satisfied with and the top number is what you think might be possible, but you're going to have to kick your own butt to make it happen. I do this with my monthly goals: I will work out at…
  • I have a couple days like that every month the week before my period. I have found that some rigorous cardio helps my ego when I feel bloated. Usually a 50 minute stint on the elliptical or in the pool causes me to sweat out 1-1.5 pounds. When I feel bloated it's closer to 2.5 pounds. I feel much better about things when I…
  • Oh man, a can of light Progresso or Campbell's soup is my go-to lunch. I keep a small plastic bowl at my desk and just grab a can from the cupboard before I head to work every morning. Filling, tasty, and only 160-220 calories per can. That and an apple and I'm a happy camper for the whole day.
  • SW 220 CW 181 GW 150* The current plan is to drop down to 140/145 and then put on 5-10 pounds of muscle. My current pants size is 12 and 150lbs will get me between an 8 and 10.
  • I change when I eat my meals. I eat breakfast on my way into work (7am) and then eat the apple from my lunch around 11:30am. Then I eat my actual lunch at 1:30pm. Then I absolutely go to the gym after work and eat dinner around 7:30 or 8pm. While it's not ideal to eat a big meal in the late evening, it prevents me from…
  • You shouldn't gain weight if you're running a deficit, but I have read that prolonged agressive deficits can induce your body to enter "starvation mode". Basically your body stores everything it can and losing weight can become difficult. 30-60 minutes of daily cardio can help prevent this, and as others have said, so can…
  • 28 pounds in 79 days (a little less than 3 months). I'm 5'9" and have another 23 to go before I'm in my healthy weight range. Good luck!
  • I've learned that I was snacking myself to being overweight/obese. I wasn't eating particularly unhealthy meals and I exercised 3 days a week, but the snacks... oh the snacks. A couple scoops of icecream here, a bag of popcorn there, no big thing. Heh. Now that I'm tracking calories I find myself eating relatively small…
  • :) Thanks for the reminder that part of this process is simply being accountable for what you eat and what you do about it. Chocolate cake will always be delicious and there will always be more laps to swim.
    in failure Comment by nmcguier March 2014
  • So, I do exercise, but I also have a herniated L5 and knee problems. I cannot run, do elliptical that long, walk quickly, or climb stairs as primary means of exercise. I have found that swimming 4-5 days a week greatly improves how I feel. You might too. It's practically 0 impact and promotes natural stretching. It's also…
  • With what everyone is saying, a minor setback does not undo your progress. Realistically you did not eat an extra 30,000 calories over the weekend so you aren't back to square 1. Pick yourself up, brush off the crumbs, and start the week with a new attitude. As a side note, if you are tall and/or have a large body frame…
  • I swim for 45-50 minutes 4 days a week and then play racquetball for about 45 minutes once a week. If you feel like you need to workout more, try working harder during the shred time.