

  • Thank you, thank you, thank you! And congratulations on your success!
  • Thank you to the last few posters for the kind and understanding words. I know you are right, its just hard to hear. It looks like I have to do some searching for other foods to try. It is very hard to diet when youre as picky as I am!
  • This happens to me too!! I didn't even think about my shoelaces. Thanks everyone!
  • No, of course not. But I am so far from that, the thought doesn't even deter me! Right now all I am is fat and unhappy. Here's the honest to God truth- in junior high I wanted to lose weight so I took laxatives and ended up dehydrated and passing out in choir. As a teenager I tried to eat less and better but nothing worked…
  • That's kinda low, bringing my kids into it. Again, I work 2 jobs so sometimes I am just making them dinner and serving it and leaving. They are woken up every morning with omelets or french toast and fruit and juice. You can't call my parenting into question when you don't know what kind of parent I am. Please don't do it…
  • Yes, I just use the totals that mfp gives me, I realize they may be not so accurate but if I really counted I would probably freak out and make myself eat less! Been working on consuming more eggs and meat than I used to...for the protein. Again, thanks everyone.
  • No, I have lots of weight to lose. Im barely over five foot and in the 180s. It's sooo frustrating!
  • Just got frustrated that after 4 months I wasn't getting anywhere. I eat 2 or 3 pickles a day. The sodium water retaining thing DOES make sense now that I think about it....hope I haven't been screwing myself. There is a diet for obese people where they restrict calories to under 800, guess I was just trying my own…
  • Thank you for the help, and I really do appreciate it. I apologize if I cpme off as not listening or being thankful. It's really just desperation that I can't put into the right words. Truth be told, I am not eating anything extra, except lots of pickles which have no calories. I'm not counting anything but calories. I…
  • When it recomm1200, then why is 1000 so bad? It's almost the same thing.
  • Please understand this- I log everything accurately. If a serving size is 1/2 tablespoon then I fill up my little measuring spoon and make sure it is right. If you are going to respond with "log accurately" then you didn't even read this. I have one cheat day a week, yesterday was mine. I haven't logged that day because I…
  • Feeling frustrated because I am the worlds pickiest eater and have to find things to substitute my favorites. I just honestly thought that as long as I was under on calories it didn't matter.
  • Thanks everyone I will take all of your advice. Something has to change before I get so frustrated I just give up!
  • Yes, I could definitely do more protein. I keep my heart rate around 145, it's about the best I can do currently. But when I started I was nowhere near 45 minutes, so I know there is improvement there. And absolutely, I should buy a tape measure. I feel more toned but not skinnier.
  • What am I doing wrong, as far as logging calories? I can't sabotage myself by doing it incorrectly.
  • I thought I had my settings to show calories burned, its possible I did something wrong though. I don't underestimate calories because I use the scanner or research the cals, and make sure I am eating only one serving. Scarily enough I actually think I have gained a couple of pounds back! :-(
  • Yes, there are days that I don't log...that's just my laziness. But they're pretty much the same as the others. I eat lots of Subway because that's where I work! But I DO log everything, the days I remember. Honestly I slacked for awhile but am trying to keep at it this time. But log or not, with that much exercise…