

  • Good job so far everyone! I am glad there are so many people participating. I hope everyone keeps up the good work.
  • Great Job everyone!!! Keep up the good work.
  • I am so glad so many people are joining. I think we are doing pretty good for a big group like this one.
  • We are now up to 34 group members. I do want to stress that you need to keep up with logging your exercise times in. It looks like a lot of people are not doing that, so let's go folks. And please encourage each other.
  • How about some beer can chicken. I like it because it is so flavorful and juicy. Here is an easy recipe: I like to season mine with some fresh thyme, rosemary and sage. With a little salt and pepper, always need that. And then some olive oil rubbed onto the chicken. That and…
    in Chicken Comment by kimfrands April 2010
  • WOW! We are up to 34 people signed up for this challenge. And it looks like it is a little added motivation for everyone, especially me. Keep up the great work people.
  • Keep up the good work Guys and Gals! Remember there is always time to do some form of exercise. Sometimes while watching TV, I will do a 100 jumping jacks, it is easy when you do 20 at a time. Also, I have been walking to and from work. It is about a mile and I used to take the bus. So that added 30 minutes of walking a…
  • I want to thank everyone who has signed up! Now, please encourage others to do it, too. And good job everyone on the progress. Also, let's encourage each other to continue this, even after this is over. Thanks again. Francis
  • The Group Name is: My Fitness Pal Wow, we are going to have a lot of people in our group. I hope we can all encourage each other along the way. Thanks Guys and Gals!!!
  • Group ID # 89977