

  • I Googled Omaha Zoo and under FAQs it states they allow outside food and beverage. I would pack snacks like fruits and nuts and then a sandwich or something light for my lunch.
  • I normally just use ground turkey in any recipe that I would normally use ground beef in. My favorite thing to make with it is one I found on Kraft's website: I tweak it a bit and use whole wheat rotini noodles, low-fat shredded cheese, and fat free sour…
  • Wow...I am so glad to see all of these responses!! It's great to be part of a community online that has so many people encouraging each other to accomplish their goals! I don't have any friends that are currently trying to lose weight, and to say my boyfriend is resisting the change in our meals would be an understatement.…
  • Hi there! I'm also a college student. I'm just starting my last year of undergrad next week! I also am afraid that my school and work schedules will send me right back to my fast food. If you need some encouragement, feel free to add me! :) This is the second time I have tried to stick with a diet and exercise plan after…