

  • I try not to eat too late, but sometimes, I just really want a snack after dinner, so if I have the calories left, I make a good snack choice and I let myself have one. I used to have cereal or something else that wasn't that good for me, but now I have some fruit, or a yogurt, or hot chocolate.
  • about 8 to 10 8 oz. cups, but to be honest, I take a medicine that makes me thirsty as one of the side effects and without that, I probably wouldn't drink that much
  • I bought the payless version of the Sketcher's Shape-Ups. I like them. I don't know if they really work like they say they do, but I do feel it when I am walking. I work retail, and I like to wear them to work and they are pretty comfortable. I wouldn't spend a lot of money on them, but if you plan to walk a lot, it might…