

  • I live in Ireland too and love what you said about the animal welfare situation!
  • I know a lot of people swear that the time of day matters but I don't logically see why. I think you have a better chance of burning off the consumed calories if they are eaten earlier in the day. Personally, if I eat in the morning, I tend to be hungry all day long and I tend to eat more calories. I know a few people like…
  • Hi! I just joined MFP and I was delighted to see this group. I love to read. I have read Water for Elephants so when the discussion starts, I am happy to join in! Also, I am looking for friends on the site because I believe it will really help keep me on track! Please feel free to add me! :smile:
  • Hi Everyone! I just joined yesterday and this challenge is perfect! I like the short term challenges to keep me motivated! I am also looking for friends so please feel free to add me ... jodyellen99. Week One: 158.4 Week Two: Week Three: Week Four: Week Five: Week Six: Goal Weight: 153
  • I just joined today and I am on 1200 per day too. I am looking for friends so please feel free to add me!