funluvsweetness Member


  • Uggghh. That all makes my stomach queezy. I will stick to chicken and turkey for my protein... or soy. But you all enjoy!
  • Try protein smoothies post-workout. I use 100% whey protein - got my last jug at target ( I prefer the vanilla flavors because you can mix it with more to create more variety. I freeze bananas (broken in chunks), and use other…
  • The FiberOne brownies are delicious and hit the spot for that sweet tooth or chocolate craving!
  • I choose a reduced fat peanut butter when I do want to indulge. I blend skim milk (1/2 c), frozen banana chunks (~1/3 to 1/2 banana), and 1 TBSP of RF PB with a scoop of vanilla protein powder. This smoothie I only enjoy on occasion, but it is a nice treat for when I'm craving PB. I usually opt for frozen blackberries and…
  • Adequate sleep is VERY important. I know if I don't get enough and push myself to workout, it usually bites me in the butt and I either get more off track or end up sick. I struggle with sleep issues too, so I understand what you are going through. Another factor to consider... have you worked out immediately prior to…
  • Zumba is so much fun and a great workout! You don't have to be a perfectionist at dance... the idea is to "move fast and have fun"! I try to Zumba 6 days a week when my schedule isn't hectic. I've been doing Zumba since this summer and now lost 38# total (along with other exercise and appropriate calorie intake). It takes…
  • I take a natural immunity booster called Viracid. It works wonders! You "load" and take 2 pills in the AM and 2 in the PM. As you start to feel better, you reduce to 1 AM/PM, then 1/day and then off when you're better!