12iz Member


  • oh ic:) this is my first time to breastfeed my baby my first one i didn't .. my daughter is 7yrs old and my boy is going to be 7 months this march 13:) i know how u feel when you really really want to loose weight like what i said i feel like im not loosing weight:(even people said i did im glad i found this apps:)…
    in Nursing mom Comment by 12iz March 2011
  • im not*
    in Nursing mom Comment by 12iz March 2011
  • hello again:) sorry for the late reply.. oh thats great were all just given birth:) well the first solid i gave kai is the baby porridge then after 1 week bit by bit i introduced the ella's kitchen baby food and he loves it.. so now im kinda mixing formula and breastfeeding so far so good:) i dont pump anymore thats why im…
    in Nursing mom Comment by 12iz March 2011
  • hello to both of you. im new also im riz:) i had my baby 6 months ago(boy) he's name is kai:) still nursing but he's eating solid food now.. but it seems like im not loosing weight lol how are you getting on??(nursing)
    in Nursing mom Comment by 12iz March 2011