

  • But if you are concerned about eating foods with cholesterol in them, here is a simple trick: If the food comes from a source that has a liver (cow, pig, chicken, fish etc) it has cholesterol in it. If the food source does not have a liver (all fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts etc) it has no cholesterol.
  • I have been reading alot about how sugar is toxic, metabolic dysorders and low glycemic foods. The things I have read seem to say that sugar/simple carbs are what raise our triglycerides. I don't believe in eating a HIGH fat diet either though. But doesn't it make sense? For example if eating fat made you fat, would eating…
  • I buy my clothes at thrift stores. I can usually find a lot of new items too. I don't feel guilty buying a pair of jeans or a blouse for $5. It is so affordable that I can go clothes shopping every week!
  • Salty food or hot and spicy food get me craving something sweet. I used to reach for a bowl of ice cream to satisfy the craving. I have found that a bowl of fruit works just as well.
  • Commercial eggs have probably been washed so the shell will be porous. Fresh laid eggs have a "bloom" on them and the shell isn't as porous. I have kept my chicken's eggs in a bowl on the counter for sometimes up to a week without problem. I would think that keeping them in the fridge would make them last longer though.…
  • Sometimes doing it "one day at a time" is even too hard. Try doing it one hour at a time. I find that logging my food at the beginning of the day keeps me on track too.
  • I just looked at your food diary, not really at the food, but at the sodium level! WOW! I can tell you from personal experience that the sodium kept me from losing for about a week until I noticed it. I was putting salsa on my egg white omelets in the morning because egg whites, mushrooms, bell pepper really didn't have…
  • I weigh every morning and it scares me too. Especially the one week I didn't loose ANY weight at all. Then I looked at what I was eating: salsa, which has a lot of sodium. I stopped eating it immediately and over night I dropped 4 pounds! If I had been weighing myself just once a month I wouldn't have caught what was…
  • I can see how that would be confusing. I guess I meant in place of full fat sour cream or heavy cream.
  • place of sour cream or heavy cream....
  • I make beef stroganoff substituting mushrooms for the beef and plain, non-fat yogurt for the dairy. It is hearty and filling.
  • I just discovered these dark chocolate chili chipotle bars at Sunflower market. The other night when I was having a craving I took one square of chocolate and scooped up some chunky peanut butter. I let that melt in my mouth to make it last longer. Delicious!
    in Chocolate! Comment by Lasa797 March 2011
  • It sounds like my adiction to alcohol was....3 good days of white knuckling it then the 4th day, boom! drinking again. I also found that the longer I stayed sober the less the cravings were. Now the same thing is happening to me with sugar. I NEVER used to eat candy, not even chocolate. But I have noticed that since I…