How tall are you?
I tried it and lost weight but I couldn’t give up fruits and bread. Plus, too much cheese made feel nauseous. If you don’t like carbs you can definitely try it!
Thank you so much for you answer! I am going through a period where I feel I can’t take it anymore. Since the beginning of 2019, I started having terrible shoulder and neck pain.its terrible and my doctor doesn’t seems to get it. I am 5’11. 200 lbs. and wear a 38GG. I think surgical path is the only way 😞 Congratulations…
We have a similar body shape. Did you lose any bras size?
Wonderful job!!! May I ask how tall are you ?
Great!!! You look stunning!!! how did you lose all this weight ?
You look amazing !
This is an absolutely false statement. (yes, I'm just now seeing this) but this is in itself misleading. As someone who is 5'10, and used to weigh 135. I played sports and was in fantastic shape. My smallest pants size was a 10 and my rib cage was too wide to fit into a medium shirt, even though I was on the lowest end of…
Congrats!!! You look stunning
I am a mom to 6 years old twins and an 11 months old baby. I am still nursing as well. I don't gain any weight while pregnant whoever I do lose. But believe it or not I gain weight while breastfeeding. I am down from 107kg as my highest to 94kg. I started IF and I think it's working. I really wish to do keto but I love…
I would love to try it but I don't know where to start from !?
Waw how did you do it?
Great achievement!! I lost 20lbs and I still look the same! Congrats
May I ask what's your starting weight?
So happy for you. You look stunning
You look stunning!!! How did you do it?
You look good mashaalah !
You look good. We have similar body type. I am 97 kg as of today and can't wait to get to 73kg again. Good job you should be proud of your self!
Good job!!! How did you lose all this weight in just 4 months? Also what kind of exercice do you do? Thank you
Good job! I need to lose a weight too. I had my last baby December 2016 and was happy about my weight as I was 20 lbs under my prepregancy weight but i gain a lot of weight later . I am breastfeeding and I feel always starving. Are you breastfeeding ?
Well done
Wawww amazing !
Amazing transformation...Your eyes look bigger and brighter!
Amazing congrats. How tall are you?
Pearl Millet is really good for broken bones. We use it in Africa as natural way to help with the healing process. My son broke his upper arm in May. I used it extensively. You should try it, it's natural and cheap. I use it as a soup also you can rousted it , grind it and add it to whatever you want Good luck
Amazing...I can't believe you were 97kg. I am 180cm /97 kg and I look a way heavier:( can you please give me some tips?