

  • Soooooooo does anyone know where the thread that I started earlier this afternoon went? It vanished! The tl;dr one about the 26 year old (me) and my 40 year old SO. Did someone post noods? Edit: They deleted it because I admitted that I use another account on here regularly. Phooey.
  • If you don't mind me asking, how did the relationship ultimately come to an end? Most of my friends IRL have no idea how to offer any advice as they have never been in my shoes. I'm not even sure how I'd start off the conversation without breaking his heart (which I think is inevitable). Feel free to PM me if you don't…
  • FWIW No one can tell that he's 40. Maybe I make him look younger... Everyone always guesses early 30's. He gets carded all the time for drinks/buying beer and the employee's jaw always drops when they see his age. I know that his next relationship will likely be with some poor girl in their mid-20s. Lol.
  • I was waiting for someone to ask me that lmao. He doesn't care if I run / don't run, period. Right now he's peeved that I wake up early (read: 7am-8am) on weekends to workout because I disrupt his sleeping in. Lol whatever!!! If I knew how to post pictures on this site, I'd post the "whatever, whatever. I do what I want"…
  • Thank you everyone for your replies. I just read all of them. I'm going to have to do some serious thinking in the very very near future. After re-reading my own post after reading all of your comments, it's crystal clear to me that I don't want to be in this relationship any longer. And to all of the comments about the…
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