Please, please read up on Eating Competence. This is the second comment I've made on the subject today, but I just feel like it's so needed. Food is not the enemy, and when we think it is, or feel like our bodies are broken or have betrayed us, we're already in an unhealthy place. Having a disordered relationship with food…
This concept was revolutionary to me: Eating competence -- not fearing food, realizing and being comfortable with the social element of eating, learning to trust (or help heal) my body's self-regulating impulses -- is so important, even (especially?) for folks who…
It's a myth that darker beers automatically have more calories. Per 12 oz, Guinness has about 125 cals, Budweiser rocks out 145. If you hit your calorie goals, don't worry about it (although it's pretty tough to hit your macros with all those carbs, probably) -- just go for quality over quantity next time, lol! :D